The Complete Works List of Claude Debussy

L' Intégrale Catalogue d'Opus de Claude Debussy

indicates the works that is still remained unclear.
If you know the precise information of these, please let me know the information!
* For the arrangements of a given work, one of arrangements is indicated.
Please note that the abondoned (planned but not completed) works are hard to be categolized in any genre.
* If you find the works that are omitted or mistakably indicated in this list. Please let me know.
* This list is realized not only by my personal information but by the support of the Contributors
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Stage works Hymnis (1882) <f-vo, choir, orch>..Text: Théodore de Banville. the score of 1'st act was published in 1984 ('il dort encore' for soprano and piano?). 1st, 2nd (part) and 7th acts seem to be remained. The wife of Vladimir Horowitz once stored the scores.

Florise (1882) ...Text: T. de Banville. Planned but not realized.

Salammbô (1886)...Text: Gustave Flaubert. Planned but not realized.

As you like it (1886)...Text: Maurice Vaucaire (original text was Shakespere). Planned but not realized.

Axël (1887-1889)...※Text: Villiers de l'iles-Adam. Not published (also refer to the 'song' chapter)
L'embarquement pour ailleurs Preparation to Travel (1891) ...Once be noticed in the jornal written by Gabriel Mourey but not realized.

La princesse Maleine (1891)...Text: Maurice Maeterlinck. Planned but not realized.

Rodrigue et Chimène (1891-1892) <vo, orch> ...Opera in 3 acts. incompleted. Text by Catulle Mendès. Dedicated to Gabriel Dupont. By the supplement of Richard Langham Smith with the orchestration by Edison Denisov, this opera was recorded in 1993-1994 under the direction of Kent Nagano (CD available from Erato).
Les noces de Sathan Sathan's Wedding (1892)...Mystic orchestral fragments in one act. planned but not completed. Text: Jules Bois.

Le roi Lear Lear, the King (1897-1899) <3tp, 4hrn, timbal, tambour, 2hrp/2fl, 4hrn, hrp, timbal, 2vln, vla, vc, b>...not completed. Orchestrated by Roger Ducasse in 1926. Roger-Ducasse also arranged this into piano solo?
1) fanfare : ré majeur
2) le sommeil de Lear : ré mineur
- a nap of Lear

Pelléas et Mélisande (1893-1902) <tnr, btn, bass, sop, 3fl, 2ob, e-hrn, 2cl, 3bssn, 4hrn, 2tp, 3tb, tba, timbal, 2vla, vla, vc, b>...Opera. in 5 acts and 12 stages.The first opera in impressionistic compositional diction. Text by Maeterlinck. Got over Wagnerism. The first performance was by the direction of A. Messager. Dedicated to the memory of a publisher Georges Harteman who passed away in 1900.

Orphée : Amphion (1894)...For the ballet written by Paul Valéry. Planned but not realized. Orphée was re-arranged into 'Amphion' in 1900.

La grande bretéche A Grand Tower (1895)...Planned but not completed. inspired by Honore de Balzac?

Daphnis et Chloé (1895-1898)...Text: Pierre Louÿs. Planned but not realized. In a directory written by Robert Orledge (1986), Chloé became Khloé. On the letter from Louÿs to Debussy (1895 Nov.27th), Louÿs invited Debussy to the project. Since Louÿs was very good at Greek, it appear that Louÿs knew the fact that Chloé should be spelled Kloé in Greek.

Cendrelune : la reine des aulnes Cinderella (1895-1898)...Lyric fable in 2 acts and 3 stages. Text: Pierre Louÿs. Planned but not realized. Debussy forced Louÿs to review the text and it made him feeling disgusting.

Les uns et les autres All of a Sudden (1896)... One act. Poem by Verlaine. Planned but not realized.

Aphrodite : l'esclavage (1896-1897)...Text: Pierre Louÿs. Planned but not realized.

Le chevalier d'or A Golden Knight (1897)...For a pantomime by Madame Forain. Planned but not realized.

Les mille et une nuits de n'importe ou et d'ailleurs The stories concerned or not concerned with the thousand and one nights (1897?)...Fiction drama 14 stages. Planned with René Peter, but not realized.

La tentation de Saint Antoine The temptation of Saint Antoine (1897)...Text: Gustave Flaubert, incident music. Debussy probably was asked for composing this by Pierre Louÿs, but Debussy did not accept the project.
Les 'Freres en art' The Artists' trust (1897-1898)...Text was co-written with RenéPeter. A critical commedy in 3 states. Late on 1897, Debussy intended to complete this unfinished project again and wrote it in 1903. Fragments of both edition exist.
La fille de Pasiphae A girl of Pasiphae (1898)...Text: Comte Victor de Balbiani, incident music. Debussy refused the project although he was asked to involve it.
Le roman de Rosette A roman of Rosette (1898?)...Comedy. Text: Peter. Debussy seemed to have advised the work partly. Probably not completed and not published.
L'utile aventure A benefitable adventure (1898?)...Comedy. Text with Peter. Probably composed for M.Chautard. Probably not completed and published.
L'heube tendre Tender hour (1899)...Comedy. Text with Peter. Probably composed for M.Chautard. Probably not completed and published.
Esther et la maison de fous Esther and the mad house (1899?)...Further information unclear. text has not written? "Esther" stood for a princess of Babylon who forced to have married with Persian king after the persian occupation of Babylon kingdom?
La tragedie de la mort The tragedy of death (1896-1899)...For René Peter's text of one stage work. Completed in April 1899. Unpublished. Probably it was performed, but was not an original format.
Amphion (1900)...Experimental opera. conceptualized by P. Valery. See 'Orphée' above.
Chansons de Bilitis (1900-1901) <narr, 2fl, 2hrp, celesta> ...Entrusted by Pierre Louÿs. Incidental music. For the part of Celesta, there is no score (since it was performed by the improvisation of the composer) Pierre Boulez supplementally add the score and the edition was performed in 1954.
1) chant pastoral
2) les comparaisons
- compare my body figure with you
3) les contes
- tales
4) chanson
5) a partie d'osselets
- play with sheep bones
6) Bilitis
7) le tombeau sans nom
- a nameless tomb
8) les courtisanes égyptiennes
- the Egyptian palace prostitutes
9) l'eau pure du bassin
- clear water in a basin
10) la danseuse aux crotales
- female dancers with castanets
11) e souvenir de Mnasidica
- memories of Mnasidica
12) la pluie du matin
- morning rain

Comme il vous plaira As You like it (1902-1917)... In 3 acts and 5 stages. Debussy was inspired by the Text of P.J.Toulet (original text by Shakespere) and intended to re-compose 'As you like it' (1886) but not realized again.

Le diable dans le beffroi A Devil on a Gong (1903) <vo, orch>...In 2 acts and 3 stages (sketch for the first act exists). Debussy wrote the text under the inspiration of a novel written by E.A.Poe. The text seems to have been completed because of the existence of the publication contract (1903. 10. 14). Arrangement for violin solo (fragment. written in August of 1903) also seems to exist.

Le pelerin d'amour A pilgrim of love (1902-1903)...Incident music for Victor-Emile Michelet's fantasic poem. Planned from December 1902 to the next January, as male voice, chorus (occationaly), string quartet, contrabass, 2 flutes and harp format. However, Debussy destroyed the project because of the request from Paul Ginisty, head of Odéon theater, to compose it as an unaccompanied music.
Joyzelle (1903?)...Opera in 5 stages. Text by Maeterlinck. Planned but never started.
Don Juan (1903)...Opera. Original text from Byron and Moliere. Albert Carre planned this work but never has been realized.
Briséis (1903)... comletion of Chabrier's opera.
Dionysos (1904)...Tragic drama. 3 acts. Text: Joachim Gasquet. Planned but not realized.

Histoire de Tristan Story of Tristan (1907-1910)...Lyric drama. Text: Gabriel Mourey. Inspired by the book 'Histoire de Tristan' by Joseph Bedier. Planned but not realized. A fragment of the score remains in the letter to Durand (1997. 8. 23).

Siddharta (1907-1910) ...Buddist drama. Text: Victor Segalen. Planned but not realized.

Orphée, roi King Orphee (1907-1910)...Lyric drama. Text: Victor Segalen. Planned but not realized.

Huon de Bordeaux (1909)...Opera. Text by Mouret 29th of March. Debussy rejected the project so that never realized.
Le marchand de rêves A marchant of dreams (1909)...Opera. Text by Mouret, proposed to Debussy on 29th of March (same as above one). Debussy rejected this also so that never realized.
Le chat botte The cat with boots (1909)...fiction opera, same as above ones.
Masques et bergamasques (1909-1910) ...For Ballet Russe. Debussy also intended to entitle 'eternal journey' and 'love masque'. But not realized.

L'orestie (1909)...Proposed on 27th July, 1909. Louis Laroy would intend to make the text based on ancient poet Aeschylus, but never has been realised.
Pygmalion (1911)...Music for ballet. one stage. Planned to arrange and orchestrate Jean Rameau's music and perform teather of arts, but never has been realised.
Le martyre de Saint Sébastien The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (1911) <sop, al, choir, 2piccolo, 2fl, 2ob, e-hrn, 3cl, b-cl, 3bssn, 6hrn, 2tp, timbal, 2hrp, 2vln, vla, vc, b>...For mysterious drama by Gabriele D'Annunzio. Scores in original format and score in symphonic fragments format exist. The latter format was orchestrated by André Caplet under the supervision of Debussy.
1) la cour des lys - a garden of Lilis
2) la chambre magique
- a magical room
3) le concile des faux dieux
- a Conference of heathen gods
4) le laurier blessé
- a injured laurel
5) le paradis
- paradise

La dame a la faulx A lady with harrow (1911) ...Tragedy in 5 acts and 10 stages. Around February to September of 1911. Text by Paul Roux. Probably this project was asked not only to Debussy but to Ravel and Dukas, but none of them has realized. There is little possibility that Gabriel Dupont has once started the project, but Jaques Rouche (conductor) gave up the whole project so that this project has never been realized.
Jeux Play (1912) <orch>...For Ballet Russe . dedicated to the wife of J. Durand. Version for solo piano also exists.

Khamma (1912) <orch>...The client, Maud Allan (a Canadian ballet dancer) clinged to the comedy touch composition. The request made Debussy upset, and he stopped composing in a half way. Debussy had no choice but to compose this for managing the life although he was not willing to work with this project. Orchestrated by Charles Koechlin in 1913. Version for solo piano also exists.

Ballet Persan Persian Ballet (1912)...Cooperative project with Jean-Paul Toulet, for Ballet Russe. Seems like a alternative proposal of Masques et Bergamasques. They seemed to produce in Febryary in 1912, but do not exist.
Crimen amoris Crime of love (1912-1914)...Lyric fable in 3 acts. Text: Charles Morice. Original lyrics by Verlaine. Not completed but diverted to Fêtes Galantes.

La boîte à joujoux A Box of Toys (1913) <2p / orch>...Intended for the ballet music for children. Orchestrated by A. Caplet.
1) prélude. le sommeil de la boîte - prelude: a nap of the box of toys
2) le magasin de jouets
- a case for the playthings
3) le champ de bataille
- battleground
4) la bergerie à vendre
- a sheepcote for selling
5) après fortune faite
- after fortune came
6) épilogue
- epilogue

Psyche (1913) ...Dramatic poem. Incident music by G. Mouret on text. This became Syrynx after all and published in 1927 from Jaubert with supplementary pen of Marcel Moyse.
Drame Indien (1914?)...Planned with D'annunzio but never started.
Tania (1914-1916)...December 1914 to March 1916. Opera. Inspired on text written by an Russian writer (it was based on Pushkin's Evgeny Onegin). Although Screenplay seems has done, Debussy rejected the project.
Le palais du silence ou NO-JA-LI A silent palace (1914)...One act. Text : Georges de Feure. Only in Sketch

La chute de la maison Usher The decline of Usher family (1904-1918) <vo, orch>...Text: Debussy with the inspiration stem from E.A.Poe's mysterious novel. Only fragments exist.
Manuscript arranged and orchestrated in two versions:
1) C. Abbate and R. Kyr (two Yale University musicologists).
2) The chilean composer Juan Allende-Blin, in 1976. This is the best version. World premiere concert: 1-December-1977. Available on EMI-France Records (1984 and 1993 recordings).
Choral Daniel, ouverture (1881) <3vo, orch>...cantata. completed in Rome (12/27). Text: Émile Cécile. Dedicated to G.marquet. Recently arranged by the American musicologist John R. Clevenger.

Hélène (1881-1882) <sop, 4vo(choir), orch>...Inspired by Leconte de lisle's book of poems. submitted to the contest of the city of Paris (but not accepted due to deadline).

Choeur des brises - choral music for gentle breeze (1882) <vo, f-choir>...only in sketch format. Extract published in 1952.

Salut printemps - Greetings from Spring (1882) <female-vo, choir, orch>...Submitted to The Prix de Rome (Roma Prize). Text: Comte de Ségur.

Invocation (1883) <male-vo, choir, orch>...Submitted to Prix de Rome. Text: Alphonse de Lamartine.

Le gladiateur - A gladiator (1883) <3vo, orch>...Submitted to Prix de Rome and obtained the first prize of The Second Prix de Rome. Text: Émile Moreau. Recently revised by John R. Clevenger. World premiere on 12-March-1997 in California. The musicologist Sylvie Beaudette arranged this piece for piano (two hands and four hands versions).

Eglogue (1883) <sop, tnr, p>...Derived from 'ancient poems' by Leconte de lisle. Recently orchestrated by Sylvie Beaudette.

Chanson Espagñole (1883) <vo>...Manuscript has abandoned, but the manuscript is recently rediscovered in complete format. Original text unknown.

Printemps (1884) <4vo, orch>...Text: Jules Barbier. Composed for the admission exam to the Prix of Rome (This is different from symphonic suite of the same title).
L'enfant prodigue (1884) <sop, tnr, 3fl, 2ob, e-hrn, 2cl, 2bssn, 4hrn, 2tp, 3tb, tba, timbal, perc, 2hrp, 2vln, vla, vc, b>...Obtained the first place of Prix de Rome. piano with four hands format also exists. Text: Édouard Guinand.
1) prélude
2) l'année, en vain chasse l'année
- waiting for years in vain
3) Azael, pourquoi m'as-tu quitté?
- Azael, why you went out from me?
4) en bien! encore des pleurs
- oh, my endless tears
5) cortège
6) air de danse
7) les airs joyeux
8) o temps à jamais effacé
- oh, memories without pale
9) je m'enfuis
- I will escape
10) rouvre les yeux à la lumière
- the eyes are opened by the lights
11) mon fils est revenu
- homecoming of the dissipated son
12) plus de vains soucis
- intensing anxiousness
13) mon coeur renaît
- my heart is revived
14) dieu d'Israël
- gods of Israel

Diane au bois - Diane in the Forest (1884-86) <sop, tnr, p>...Heroic drama. Fragments exist. Text: T.De.Banville. The piano (two hands) piece 'Diane' is the overture. Recently discovered the complete song 'Duet of Eros and Diane' for tenor, soprano and piano.

Zuléima (1885-1886) <vo, choir, orch>...Symphonic hymn. Text: Georges Boyer. Original poem by Henri Heine. Only finished the first part. This piece is lost and probably destroyed by the author. Composed for a shipment ('envoi') after the Prix of Rome, this work was rejected and returned by the teachers in Paris.

La demoiselle élue - A blessed Girl (1887-1888) <sop, msp, fem-choir, 3fl, 2ob, e-hrn, 2cl, b-cl, 3bssn, 4hrn, 3tp, 3tb, 2hrp, 2vln, vla, vc, b>...Text: Dante-Gabriel Rossetti. Dedicated to Paul Dukas. English and germany language with piano accompaniment also exist.

Trois chansons de Charles d'Orléans (1898, 1908) <4vo>
1) dieu! qu'il la fait bon regarder! - my yearning person
2) quand j'ai ouy le tambourin sonner
- a morning with the sound of festival drums
3) yver, vous n'estes qu'un villain
- I hate winter

Ode à la France (1917) <vo, choir, orch>...Incompleted. Text: Louis Laloy. Completed by Marius-François Gaillard after the composer's death.
Orchestral Suite pour Orchestre (1884) <orch> ...Score abondoned? Piano score exists fragmentally.
1) fête - festival
2) ballet
3) rêve
- dream
4) bacchanale

Suite symphonique 'printemps' (1886-1887) <choir, p /2fl, ob, e-hrn, 2cl, 2bssn, 4hrn, 2tp, timbal, cymbal, hrp, 2p, 2vln, vla, vc, b / 2p>...Score for choral format was published first in 1904. Orchestrated by Henri Busser. Text: Jules Barbier. Piano 4 hands version also exists. The conductor Emil de Cou has recently arranged the 1887 original version for female choir and orchestra (Available on Arabesque Records).

Scènes au crépuscule (1892-1893)...Inspired by the text of Henri de Régnier. Only sketch exists.

Prélude à l'aprés midi d'un faune - Prelude of the Afternoon of an Faun (1892-1894) <3fl, 3ob, 2cl, 2bssn, 4hrn, 2hrp, ancient cymbal, 2vln, vla, vc, b / 2p>...Inspired by the poem of S.Mallarme 'Afternoon of an faun'. This work was widely acclaimed as the first triumph of impressionistic compositional diction. Four hands format arranged by himself (Fromont: 1895), two piano version by author, another four hands arrangement by Ravel (Fromont: 1910), piano solo arrangement by L. Bolvic ( Jaubert: 1914) also exist.

Nocturnes - Nocturnes (1899) <3fl, 2ob, e-hrn, 2cl, 3bssn, 4hrn, 3tp, 3tb, tba, 2hrp, timbal, cymbal, tambour militaire, 2vln, vla, vc, b, choir> ...Female chorus is added in the 3'rd movement. Two pianos version arranged by Maurice Ravel.
1) nuages
2) fêtes
3) sirènes

Le voyage de Pausole (1901)...※A symphony inpired by the poem of P. Louys. Planned but not realized.

La Mer (1903-1905) <2fl, pic-fl, 2ob, e-hrn, 2cl, 3bssn, contre-bssn, 4hrn, 3tp, 2crnt, 3tb, tba, timbal, grosse caisse, cymbal, tam, glockenspiel, 2hrp, 2vla, vla, vc, b>...Dedicated to Jacques Durand. Piano 4 hands version also exists.
1) de l'aube à midi sur la mer - from a dawn to a noon of the sea
2) jeu de vagues
- play of waves
3) dialogue du vent et de la mer
- conversation between winds and the sea

Images pour orchestre - Images for Orchestra (1905-1909) ...In three parts. 'Rondes de printemps' was orchestrated by Caplet.
1) gigues
2) Ibéria (par les rues et par les chemins : les parfums de la nuit : la matin d'un jour de fête)
3) rondes de printemps
- rondo of spring
(Solo with Orchestral Accompaniment)

rapsodie en forme de Liszt (before 1880)...Abandoned. raised in the discography written by Robert Orledge.
Suite pour violoncelle et orchestre (1880-1894) <vc, orch>...Manuscript for 'intermezzo' exists in two versions: Cello & piano (published) and cello & orchestra
(in a unavailable private collection).

Fantaisie pour piano et orchestre - Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra (1889-1890) <p, orch>...Because the author stopped publishing the score, this was finally performed after the composer's death.
1) andante ma non troppo
2) lento e molto espressivo
3) allegro molto

Danse sacrée et danse profane - Secret and Vulgar Dance (1904) <hrp, strings>...Two pianos version by Debussy.

Concerts (1917) <p, small-orch>...Planned for piano and small orchestra, but never started.
Trio pour violon, violoncelle et piano (1879) <p, vln, vc>
1) Andantino con moto - allegro
2) Scherzo - intermezzo
3) Andante espressivo
4) Finale - appassionato

Scherzo (1880) <vln, p> ...Manuscript abandoned (recently published).

Nocturne (1882) <vln, p>...Manuscript abandoned (lost).

Quatuor à cordes - String Quartet (1893) <2vln, vla, vc>...Dedicated to Ysaye String Quartet. There is seemed to exist the discography raising 'String Quartet No.2' although precise bibliographical information is unclear.
1) animé et très décidé
2) assez vif et bien rythmé
3) andantino, doucement expressif
4) très mouvementé et avec passion

Sonate pour violon et piano (1894) ...Undiscovered, but the existence was implied by the composer in the letter to jacques Durand (1894. June).

Rhapsodie pour saxophone et piano (1903-1905) <sax, p>...There are orchestral edition arranged by Roger-Ducasse in 1919.

Première rhapsodie pour clarinette et piano (1909-1910) <cl, p>...Self written orchestrated edition in 1910 is famous. Composed for the concert held in Paris Conservatory.

Petite pièce pour clarinette et piano (1910) <cl, p>

Syrynx (1912) <fl> ...Incidental music for G.Mourey's drama 'Psyche'.

Sonate pour flûte, alto et harpe Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp (1915) <fl, vla, vc>
1) pastorale
2) interlude
3) finale

Sonate pour violoncelle et piano (1915) <vc, p>...At first, this sonata intended to compose in six movements with addition of the 3 movements of violin sonata. Dedicated to Emma (wife).
1) prologue
2) sérénade
3) finale

Sonate pour violon et piano (1916-1917) <vln, p>
1) allegro vivo
2) intermède
3) finale

(Quatrième) Sonate pour hautbois, cor et clavecin (1915- ) <ob, hrn, hpcd> ...The following 3 sonatas incl. this were planned to form a group of the six sonatas for each different instrument, by adding them to the previous 3 sonatas. However the composers death kept the latter 3 sonatas from completing.

(Cinquième) Sonate pour trompette, clarinette, basson et piano (1915- ) <tp, cl, bssn, p>

(Sixième) Sonate, en forme de concert, pour divers instruments : dont une contrebasse (1915- ) <b, et al.>
Piano in Four Hands / Two Pianos Symphonie (1880)...Piano duo manuscript of first movement only exists. It was planned for orchestrating?

Diane (1881)...Composed in Roma. Dedicated to his teacher, Ernest Guiraud.

Andante (1881)...Precise information of composition date is still unclear, but can be expected that should be almost the same year with Symphonie because of the matter of the scoring paper. The complete title is 'andante cantabile'

Intermezzo (1882) ...Inspired by the poem of Heinrich Heine.

Divertissement 'le triomphe de Bacchus' - Triumph of Bacchus (1882)...Inspired by T. de Banville. Incompleted. At first, the author seemed to have intended to form a symphonic suite. Completed edition exists, by Marius-François Gaillard. The complete tune was in four parts: Divertissement, Andante, Marche and Bacchanale. Orchestral version for 'Divertissement' exists.

Divertissement (1884)...Original manuscript exists in Paris National Library. Until 1989, this work had dealt with as private and never published.

Petit suite (1888−1889)...Four parts. This is the first permitted publishing work for piano duo. Orchestral edition also exists arranged by Henri Busser.
1) en bateau - in a boat
2) cortège
3) menuet
4) ballet

Marche des anciens comtes de Ross - The March of the Ancient Count Ross family (1891)... 'Scottish March (marche écossaise, sur un thème populaire)' is the orchestrated edition of this piece.

Lindaraja (1901)...This is the first piece intended to compose as a duo format from the beginning.

Valse (1905?)...Abandoned. There is a certain confusion of this piece. Originally, this waltz was raised in Marcel Dietschy's discography, La Passion de Claude Debussy (1966) as a piece composed in 1894 and subsequently diverted to 'la plus que lente'. However, the English newly revised edition of this book (pub. 1990) tells some inconsistency. According to the English edition, there is another waltz for piano solo format. Then, the solo-waltz was composed in around 1894. The duo-waltz was composed in 1905. Also, the English edition tells nothing about the relationship between 'La plus que lente' and these two waltzes. See piano solo genre also.Additional information: this would be the original third movement (Valse) of 'Images pour orchestre', then substituted by 'Rondes de Printemps'? (hypothesis submitted by L.Hernandez)
En blanc et noir - In Black and White (1915)...3 pieces. In the begining, this was intended as a Caprice. 1'st movement was dedcated to Koussevitsky, 2'nd was dedicated to J.Charlot, 3'rd was dedicated to Stravinsky.
1) avec emportement - with violent emotion
2) lent. sombre
3) scherzando
Piano Solo Danse Bohémienne (1880)...Discovered after the composer's death.
Intermède (1880)...Found in early 2001. This piece is based heavily on the composer's 'Intermezzo' movement of 'Piano Trio' which have written in the last year (therefore there is some doubt to be called this is an individual composition rather than an modified piece). Also, the manuscript has been kept by Maurice Dumesnil. Therefore, we have to quote it might be retouched by him in some extent. This was recorded (world premier) by Roy Howat.
Fugue (1884?)...Unclear. This is not mentioned by Lesur's catalogues (neither new or old edition). Any information welcome.

Deux arabesques - Two Arabesques (1888)
1) andantino con moto: mi majeur
2) allegretto scherzando: sol majeur

Rêverie - Dreaming (1890)...The author seemed not being satisfied the work, and asking the editor for suspending the work from piblishing.

Nocturne (1890)

Ballade Slave (1890)...Published again in 1903 with simply entitled 'ballade'.

Tarantelle styrienne / danse (1890)...Orchestrated edition also exists in 1923 by Ravel.

Valse romantique (1890)

Suite Bergamasque - Suite Bergamasque (1890)...The first piano composition employing impressionistic compositional manner broadly. 4 parts. the third movement is famous. 'Clair de Lune' was orchestrated by Andre Caplet. Recently, the conductor Gustave Cloez orchestrated 'Prelude', 'Menuet' and 'Passepied'.
1) prélude
2) menuet
3) clair de lune
- light of the moon
4) passpied

Mazurka (1891)

Images oubliées - Left Images (1894)...3 pieces. second one diverted to 'pour le piano' and the third one diverted to 'estampes' with some score amendment. Zoltan Kocsis recently orchestrated 'Lent, melancolique et doux' and 'Souvenir du Louvre' (Arabesque Records).
1) lent, doux et mélancolique
2) souvenir du louvre
- memories of Louvre
3) quelques aspects de 'nous n'irons plus au bois'
- some aspects in 'I won't go to the forest again'

Pour le piano - For a Piano(1894-1901)...the second one was orchestrated by Ravel in 1903.
1) prélude
2) sarabande
3) toccata

Estampes - Woodcuts (1894-1903)...'Pagodes', orchestrated by Andre Caplet. 'La soiree dans Grenade', orchestrated by Leopold Stokowsky..
1) pagodes
2) la soirée dans Grenade
- An evening in Granada
3) jardins sous la pluie
- rainy gardens

Valse (1894?)...Abandoned. There is a certain confusion of this piece. Originally, this waltz was raised in Marcel Dietschy's discography, La Passion de Claude Debussy (1966) as a piece composed in 1894 and subsequently diverted to 'la plus que lente'. However, the English newly revised edition of this book (pub. 1990) tells some inconsistency. According to the English edition, there is another waltz for piano solo format. Then, the solo-waltz was composed in around 1894. The duo-waltz was composed in 1905. Also, the English edition tells nothing about the relationship between 'La plus que lente' and these two waltzes. See piano duo genre also.Additional information: this would be the original third movement (Valse) of 'Images pour orchestre', then substituted by 'Rondes de Printemps'? (hypothesis submitted by Mr. L.Hernandez)
D'un cahier d'esquises - From the Skech Note (1895-1903)

Morceau de concours - Piece for Concerts (1904)...Composed for a special issue of a music magazine.

Masques (1904)

L'îsle joyeuse - An Island of Joy (1904)...Inspired by Watteau's picture in Louvre museum. Orchestrated by Bernardino Molinari under the supervision of Debussy.

Images première série - Images 1'st series (1904-1905)
1) reflets dans l'eau - reflections from water
2) hommage à Rameau
3) mouvement

Images deuxième serie - Images 2'nd series (1907)...3 pieces. The title of 3'rd one sometimes tend to be translated into 'goldfish' in English but it is not correct. There is an episode that Debussy inspired by a Japanese gold lacquer sculpture of caps. Therefore the translation should be 'golden fish'.
1) cloches à travers les feuilles - the sound of the bells comes across the leaves
2) et la lune descend sur le temple qui fût
- and the moon falling down on a abondoned temple
3) poissons d'or
- the golden fish

Children's corner - Children's Corner (1906-1908)...Six pieces. Dedicated to Chou-Chou (Debussy's daughter). titles are in English.'Golliwogg's cake-walk' is the first classical music employed jazz rhythm. Orchestrated edition by Andre Caplet (1910).
1) doctor Gradus ad Parnassum
2) jimbo's lullaby
3) serenade for the doll
4) the snow is dancing
5) the little shepherd
6) the Golliwogg's cake-walk

Hommage à Joseph Haydn (1909)

Le petit nègre - A Small Black Boy (1909)...Discovered after the composer's death. This piece was included into the Ballet 'La boite a joujoux' as a dance.

La plus que lente - Slower than Lent (1910)...Orchestration by himself in 1910.

Préludes première livre - Preludes 1'st Book (1909-1910)... Belgian composer Luc Brewaeys has orchestrated all tunes in 2005. A CD was recorded with Royal Flemish Filharmonie. In addition, Hans Henkemans (Donemus Music Publishing) has been orchestrated them all, with partial performances with Royal Concertgebouw. Britsh composer Colin Matthews also made an whole orchestration, on commission from the Halle Orchestra (Fazer Music Publishing). (provided by Mr.D. Wilson Ochoa)
1) danseuses de Delphes - dancers of Delph
2) voiles
- veil
3) le vent dans la plaine
- winds across the field
4) les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir
- sound and perfume are floating in the evening air
5) les collines d'Anacapri
- Anacapri hill
6) des pas sur la neige
- walk on the snow
7) ce qu'a vu le vent d'ouest
- the thing eastery winds have seen
8) la fille aux cheveux de lin
- a girl with flaxen hair
9) la sérénade interrompue
- a serenade interrupted
10) la cathédrale engloutie
- a sunk temple...Orchestrated by Leopold Stokowsky.
11) la danse de puck
12) minstrels

Préludes deuxième livre - Preludes 2'nd Book (1910-1912)... Belgian composer Luc Brewaeys has orchestrated all tunes in 2005. A CD was recorded with Royal Flemish Filharmonie. In addition, Hans Henkemans (Donemus Music Publishing) has been orchestrated them all, with partial performances with Royal Concertgebouw. Britsh composer Colin Matthews also made an whole orchestration, on commission from the Halle Orchestra (Fazer Music Publishing). (provided by Mr.D. Wilson Ochoa)
1) brouillards - fog
2) feuilles mortes
- withered leaves
3) la puerta del vino
- a gate of liquor...Orchestrated by Henri Busser.
4) les fées sont d'exquises danseuses
- nymphes are well-trained dancers
5) bruyères
- heath
6) général Lavine - eccentric
7) la terrasse des audiences du clair de lune
- a terrace holding the conference under the moonlight...Orchestrated by Henri Busser.
8) ondine- nymph of water
9) hommage à S. Pickwick Esq. P.P.M.P.C.
10) canope- a canopus pot
11) les tierces alternées
- crossed thirds
12) feux d'artifice
- fireworks

Berceuse héroïque pour rendre hommage à S.M.le roi Albert 1'er des Belgique et à ses soldats - Heroic Lullaby (1914)...Dedicated to the King Albert of Belgium. He fought against the German military (intended to occupy the country) to protect Belgium. Debussy orchestrated this in 1914.

Six épigraphes antiques - Six Antique Inscriptions (1914) ...Six re-arranged extracts from 'Chanson de Bilitis'. Piano duo edition also exists. Ernest Ansermet orchestrated these in 1932.
1) pour invoquer pan - to pray for divine protection of Pan
2) pour un tombeau sans nom -
for a nameless tomb
3) pour que la nuit soit propice
- to hope the night would be happy
4) pour la danseuse aux crotales
- for a lady dancer with castanet
5) pour l'égyptienne
- for a Egyptian lady
6) pour remercier la pluie au matin
- to thank morning rain

Douze études - Twelve Etudes (1915)...Dedicated to Chopin. Recently, the rejected manuscript 'forgotten etudes' was also discovered.
1) pour les cinq doigts d'après monsieur Czerny - for five fingers in the manner of Mr.Czerny
2) pour les tierces- for thirds
3) pour les quartes- for fourths
4) pour les sixtes- for sixths
5) pour les octaves- for octave notes
6) pour les huit doigts- for eight fingers
7) pour les degrés chromatiques
- for the chromatic notes
8) pour les agnéments
- for the grace notes
9) pour les notes répétées
- for the repeated notes
10) pour sonorités opposées
- for the contrapuntal sounds
11) pour les arpèges composés
- for the crossing arpeggios
12) pour les accords
- for the chords
Étude retrouvée - Rediscovered etude (1915)... Debussy prepared the other version for the 11'th etude 'for crossing arpeggios'. Since the other version that we are accustomed to had been chosen, This alternate was thrown and forgotten. Recently, a famous researcher, who is known for his book of Debussy named 'Debussy in promotion', Roy Howat rediscovered it. He also gave its world premier recording for Tall Poppies.

Page d'album (1915)...same piece of 'pièces, pour le vêtement du blessé'. The title was employed in 1933 when the work was published.

Élégie (1915?)...Composed in December of 1915. Published finally in 1997.
Les soirs illuminés par l'ardeur du charbon - evenings illuminated by the heat of coal (1917) ...Debussy's last work for solo piano. A 31 bars piece. The piece was written in from February to March of 1917 under the request of M.Tronquin. Because Tronquin is a coal trader, he could deliver some coal (for heating) to Debussy's house although every material was precious because of war-era then. 'Charbon' seems to stand for the episode. Excerpt from 'balcon' ('Five songs of Baudlaire' :1888). The score is currently owned by Mr. E. van Lauwe, private collector (?). He bought the score in November 30th, 2001 via oction. The score become available in 2003 via Edition Durand. Premier recording of this piece was recorded by a pianist, Roy Howat and is also available via Tall Poppies (The rough information of this piece was kindly provided and uploaded in 2003.9.12).
Melodies Beau soir - Beautiful Evening (1878-1879)...Text: Paul Bourget.

Fleur des blés - Wheat Flowers (1878-1879)...Text: André Girod.

Madrid (1879)...Abandoned. Text: Alfred de Musset. Manuscript recently discovered. It's the first complete work conserved of Debussy (16 years old).

Rêverie (1880)...Text: Théo. de Banville.

Ballades à la lune (1879)...Text: A. Musset. According to the new edition of Lesur's catalogue of Debussy's opus, this composition is omitted.

Nuits d'étoiles - Nights with Shining Stars (1880)...Text: Théo. de Banville. First published song. There are two more hypothesises for publishing year such as in 1876 and 1878.

Caprice (1880)...Text: Théo. de Banville?

Rondel Chinois - Chinese Rondel (1880)...Text: unknown

Les roses (1881)...Text: Théo. de Banville.
Il dort encore (1881) ...from 'HYMNIS'. Text: T. de Banville.
Les Papillons (1881) ...Text: Théophile Gautier.
Séguidille (1881)...Text: Théophile Gautier.

Tragédie (1881) <vo, p>...Text: Léon Valade derived from the poemes by Heinrich Heine.

Pierrot (1881)...Text: Théo. de Banville.

Souhait - Wish (1881)...Text: Théo. de Banville.

Zéphyr (1881)...Text: Théo. de Banville.

Aimos-nous et dormons - Let's Sleep together with Love (1881)...Text: Théo. de Banville.

Jane (1881)...Text: Leconte de Lisle.

Fantoches: scaramouche et pulcinella - Puppets (1881)...Text: Paul Verlaine.

Sérénade (1882)...Text: Paul Verlaine.

Pantomime (1882)...Text: Paul Verlaine.

La fille aux cheveux de lin - A Girl with Flaxen Hair (1882)...Text: Leconte de Lisle.

Flots, palmes, sables - Waves, Palms, Sands (1882)...Text: Armand Renaud.

Les lilas (1882)...Text: T. de Banville.

Rondeau (1882) ...Text: A. Musset.

Mandoline (1882/1883)...Text: P. Verlaine.

Coquetterie posthume - Voluptuousness after the Death (1883)...Text: Théophile Gautier's poem 'Émaux et camées'.

Musique (1883)...Text: Paul Bourget.

Paysage sentimental - silence ineffable (1883)...Text: Paul Bourget.

L'archet - Archery (1883) ...Text: Charles Cros. incomplete.

Chansns triste (1883)...Text: Maurice Buchor 'Les poèmes de l'amour et de la mer'.

Fleur des eaux - Water Flowers (1883)...Text: Maurice Buchor 'Les poèmes de l'amour et de la mer'.

Voici que le printemps - Spring has Come (1883)...Text: Paul Bourget.

Regret (1884)...Text: Paul Bourget.

La romance d'Ariel (1884)...Text: Paul Bourget.

Apparition (1884)...Text: Stéphane Mallarmé

Barcarolle (1885)...Text: Édouard Guinand 'Au courant de la vie'.

Ariettes oubliées - Forgotten Arietta (1886-1888)...Six pieces. Originally entitled 'Ariettes, paysages Belges et aquarelles' but he changed the title into Ariettes in 1903. Text: Paul Verlaine. Recently orchestrated by Zoltan Kocsis.
1) c'est l'extase - this is a weary extasy
2) il pleure dans mon coeur
- tears are rolling down in my heart
3) l'ombre des arbres
- shadows of the woods
4) chevaux de bois
- a wooden horse
5) green
6) spleen
- sigh

Axel (1888)...Text: Villiers de L'isle-Adam. Fragment exists.

Cinq poèmes de Charles Baudelaire (1887-1889)...Text: C. Baudelaire. Dedicated to Etienne Dupin. For the 3'rd part, orchestral edition also exists.The first 4 poems orchestrated by an American composer John Adams (1993) under the title 'Le livre de Baudelaire' (Recorded in 2005 by Warner Music).
1) le balcon - a balcony
2) harmonie du soir
- evening hamony
3) le jet d'eau
- a fontain
4) recueillement
- introspection
5) la mort des amants
- the death of two lovers

Les angélus - The Evening Eyes (1890)...Text: Grégoire Le Roy.

La belle au bois dormant - Beauty in the Sleeping Forest (1890)...Text: Vincent Hyspa.

Deux romances - Two Romances (1891)...Text: Paul Verlaine.
1) romance: l'âme évaporée est souffrante...
2) les cloches
- the bells

Dans le jardin - In the Garden (1891)...Text: Paul Gravollet.

Trois mélodies (1891)...Dedicated to Madame L.Fontaine. Also dedicated to Ernest Chausson (1'st) and Raphael Godet.
1) la mer est plus belle que les cathédrales - the sea is more beautiful than cathedrals
2) le son du cor s'afflige vers les bois
- to the forest, the horn sounds sorrowful
3) l'echelonnement des haies moutonne à l'infini
- lines of waves

Fêtes galantes première livre - Showy Banquets 1'st book (1891)...Text: Paul Verlaine.
1) en sourdine - secretly
2) fantoches
- puppets
3) clair de lune
- moonlight

Proses lyriques - Lyric Proses (1892-1893)...Text: Claude Debussy. Partially orchestrated by Debussy. Orchestration completed by Roger-Ducasse after the composer's death.
1) de rêve - dream
2) de grève
- sandy beach
3) des fleurs
- flowers
4) de soir
- evening

La saulaie - Willowwood (1896-1900) <btn, orch>...Original text: D.G. Rossetti (English), French translation by Pierre Louÿs. This one once listed in the Fromont catalog but yet to be published. Original score is possessed by The Memorial Library of Music (in Stanford University). The museum at Debussy's birthplace possesses another score.

Trois chansons de Bilitis (1897-1898)...Text: Pierre Louÿs. 1'st chapter of 'Chansons de Bilitis'.
1) la flûte de pan
2) la chevelure
- hair
3) le tombeau de Naïades
- A tomb of Naiades

Berceuse pour 'la tragèdie de la mort' - Lullaby for 'Tragidy of the Death' (1899)...Text by René Peter with the introduction by Pierre Louÿs (1898).

Nuits blanches- Sleepless (white) Nights (1899-1902) ...Incomplete (lately a recording becomes available. Peformed by François Le Roux and Noël Lee). Text: Claude Debussy. He initially tried to construct the songs in 5 part songs, but he could only finish two songs.

Fêtes galantes deuxième livre - Showy Banquets 2'rd book (1904)...Text: P. Verlaine.3 pieces. Dedicated to Madame S. Baldac.
1) les ingénus - innocent people
2) la faune
3) colloque sentimental
- sentimental conversation

Trois chansons de France (1904)...Text by C. D'Orléan (1 and 3) ,Tristan Lhermite(2). dedicated to Madame S. Baldac.
1) rondel I : le temps laissié son manteau... - winter left its cloak there...
2) la grotte
- a cave
3) rondel II : pour ce que plaisance est morte...
- now delightful you have passed away

Le promenoir des deux amants - Promnade for the couple (1904/1910)...Text: Triatan Lhermite. dedicated to Emma Baldac.
1) auprès de cette grotte sombre - by this dark cave
2) crois mon conseil, chère clomène
- please believe my invitation
3) je tremble en voyant ton visage
- I am trembling

Trois ballades François Villon (1910)...Orchestrated by Debussy.
1) ballade de Villon à s'amye - ballade by Villon for the lovers
2) ballade de Villon feit à la requeste de sa mère pour prier Nostre Dame
- ballade for dedicating St. Maria by the request of mother
3) ballade des femmes de Paris
- ballade for Parisian girls

Trois poèmes Stèphane Mallarmé (1913)
1) soupir - sigh
2) placet futile
- futile wish
3) eventail -
folding fan

Noël des enfants qui n'ont plus de maison - Christmas for the Homeless Children (1915)...Text: Debussy.
or Unofficial
Chant et basse réalisés pour le concours d'harmonie - Song written for harmony class (1878)

Chant et basse donnés pour le concours d'harmonie - Song written for harmony class (1879)

Chant donné pour la classe d'harmonie d'Émile Durand - Song submitted to the competition in harmony class of E.Durand (1879)

Chant et basse donnes pour le concours d'harmonie - Song submitted to the competition in harmony class of E.Durand (1880)

Leçon pour la classe d'harmonie d'Emile Durand - Work submitted to the assignment in harmony class of E.Durand (1880)

Fugue à 4 voix, sur un sujet de Gounod, pour l'examen d'essai du Prix de Rome - Fugue in 4 Voices, submitted to the qualifying exam of Roman Prize in counterpoint class of C. Gounod (1882)

Fugue à 4 voix, pour le concours final du Prix de Rome - Fugue in 4 Voices, submitted to the final qualifying exam of Roman Prize in counterpoint class of C. Gounod (1882)

Je vous la souhaite bonne et heureuse - 'I wish your good health and happiness' (1882) <vo, p>...a song attached with the new year greeting letter to Madame Marie-Blanche Vasnier.

Fugue, pour le concours d'essai du Prix de Rome - Fugue, written for the preparation exam of Roman Prize (1883)

Fugue, pour le concours de fugue - Fugue, submitted for the competition in fugue class (1883)

Fugue à 4 voix, sur un sujet de Massenet, pour l'examen d'admisison pour le Prix de Rome - Fugue in 4 Voices, for the registration test in Massenet's class for Roman Prize (1884)
[two pieces for piano] (1884) ... no original title. Seems like have written during his stay in Moscow. Although Lockspeiser (1972) mentioned the existence, later references have not mentioned any further. It might had been projected but not have been written.
Marche nuptiale - Wedding March (1899)...For the wedding ceremony of Debussy's friend, Pierre Louÿs (June 24th).

Pièce pour une voix et orgue (1899) <vo, org>...abandoned.

Noël pour célébrer Pierre Louÿs pour toutes les voix, y compris celle du peuple - On Christmas day, to Celebrate Pierre Louÿs (1903)...written date was also attached (December 25).

Les accords de septième regrettent! : neuf mesures pour piano - The Statements for the Seventh Regret (1905) <choir?>...Seems to have dedicated to Chou-Chou? A choral song only in 9 bars. Written date was also attached (June 4th).

Petite cantate sur grand papier pour le jour de sa fête Emma - Small cantata Written for Celebrating the day for Emma (1907) <3vo, bells, p>...Written date was attached (June 4th). Seems to have written for Chou-Chou.

Drame cosmogonique Drama of the birth of space (1908?)...Planned as a collaboration work with J=M. blanche. Not exist.
Chant des matelots du vaisseau qui ne veut rien savoir - Song of the Sailors (1911)...Attached piece in 3 bars in a Christmas greeting card written in English. Written date was also attached (December 25th).

Noël pour 1914 - Christmas in 1914 (1914) <vo, p>... With written date (December 25th).

La neige sur le village - A Snowy Village (1916) <orch>...Enclosed symphonic poem with bells in 5 bars attached in a Christmas card for Emma (December 25th).

Japanese edition : 2003. 1. 25 / English translated edition updated : 2003. 9. 16

Any correction is welcome!

Contributors are :

Reference :
Hirashima, S. 1993. Debussy. Tokyo: Ongaku-no-Tomo-Sha.
Dietschy, M. (Ashbrook, W. and Cobb, M.G. trans.) 1994. A portrait of Claude Debussy. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Lesure, F. 2003. Claude Debussy, Biographie critique. Paris, Fayard.}
Lockspeiser, E. 1972. Debussy. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Orledge, R. 1982. Debussy and the theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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